Call for Industry Track Papers


In addition to the main research track, the conference invites innovative applications and advances in the industrial use of smart computing technology. The industry track will provide a forum to discuss novel ideas and emerging results, present innovative applications and tools, and bring about novel research questions, approaches, and directions with an industry focus. The conference industry track draws upon many industrial applications such as transportation, energy, environmental protection, resource management, healthcare, security, banking, entertainment, and social media.

An important criterion for papers to be submitted to the Industry Track is the clear industrial association, either in the form of an extensive evaluation of research results in industrial use cases or the active participation of industry representatives as co-authors.

Accepted papers will be published as part of a separate section of the main conference proceedings that highlights the Industry relevance of the submission.


Industry Track Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Smart Cyber-Physical Environments and Energy / Water / Agriculture/ Transportation / Healthcare / Banking Infrastructure / …
  2. Security, Privacy, and Economics in Smart Environments
  3. Smart and Connected Communities across Cities
  4. Smart Computing Technologies
  5. Future Smart Computing Paradigms
  6. Smart Human-centric Environments, Health, Entertainment, and Social Activities
  7. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Smart Computing

Important Dates

Paper Submission: February 29, 2024 March 14, 2024 (Hard Deadline)

Acceptance Notification: April 5, 2024 April 15, 2024

Camera Ready (tentative): May 10, 2024

Conference: June 29 – July 2, 2024

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth.

Industry-track submission guidelines

SUBMISSION URL (paper registration from November 1st, 2023):

Industry track papers should be submitted in the Industry Track section (check EDAS submission link above)

Also, two additional pages for camera ready version can be purchased after the paper review and selection.

Potential contributors are encouraged to look at the other calls associated with the main conference. This includes calls for various workshops, PhD forum, work in progress, demonstrations and posters sessions.

Industry Track Co-Chairs

Kyoungsook Kim, AIST, Japan

Eduard Marin, Telefonica Research, Spain

Contact Information

For any questions about the conference, please contact the TPC Co-Chairs at:
[email protected]