Camera-Ready Submission

Camera-ready versions must be uploaded to the IEEE CPS site(!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=4zYZz0hRRcpwUvqZXNJTHR). The authors of accepted papers will soon receive the Author Kit URL for submitting the camera-ready version via the notification email.

Please do not submit your final papers nor copyright forms through EDAS.
We do not collect them via EDAS.

For the accepted papers to be included in the proceedings, the camera-ready version must be submitted using the recommended format (see below). The final PDF has to conform to the requirements for publishing on IEEE Xplore. The submission link will take you to the verification tools provided by IEEE.

In addition, the IEEE copyright form has to be submitted through the same website. At least one author of the paper must register for the conference at full rate. The registration must cover any over-length page charge.

All the steps listed above must be completed by May 10, 2024 (AoE timezone).

Please note that we will not be able to include your paper in the conference proceedings or IEEE Xplore if you do not follow the instructions below. The conference organizers also reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if it is not presented at the conference.

Preparation for the Camera-Ready

Paper Template

The paper should use the IEEE manuscript templates for conference proceedings. Make sure to use the conference mode of the template.
LaTeX users should use the conference option of the IEEEtran document class. Refer to the template documentation for additional information.

Paper Page Limit Policy

Paper submissions must be no longer than:

  • Research papers: 8 pages
  • Industry papers: 8 pages
  • Demo/Poster papers: 3 pages
  • Workshop papers: 6 pages
  • PhD Forum papers: 2 pages

Note that the page count limit includes the references list.

Extra pages are allowed as follows:

  • For Research and industry papers: 2 extra pages are allowed, with a 100 USD/page overlength charge.
Copyright Form

Authors will be asked to fill out their copyright consent when uploading the camera-ready paper using the link at the top of the page.

Publication Chairs

Sunyanan Choochotkaew (IBM Research, Japan)
Cheng-Hsin Hsu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

How to Submit Your Accepted Paper

1. Access the Author Paper Submission Site. The submission link is provided upon the notification.

2. Sign in with your IEEE CPS account. Note that this is different from your IEEE or IEEE CS account. If you have never submitted camera-ready papers through this website, please sign up for a new account.

3. Find SMARTCOMP 2024 and click on Begin Paper Submission.

4. On the left pane, you will find information about paper specification (page number and extra pages charge), formatting, and paper validation.

  • Please confirm the number of pages allowed for your paper type and extra pages charge (if applicable).
  • Please verify you apply the latest IEEE template. Please do not stamp a copyright text/bibstrip and do not add page numbers. Our editors will handle those tasks.
  • Please check out paper validation, and select the last option, which is the PDF eXpress. PDF eXpress is a service provided by IEEE. Once you have a camera-ready candidate, please follow the instruction to upload the pdf to IEEE PDF eXpress website to get your PDF stamped for IEEE eXplore compatible. Only by then, you can upload the stamped PDF to the submission system.

Conference ID: 61445X

5. Once you are done, click on Next at the upper right corner.

6. Please put your paper details. See the below image for some hints, e.g., remember to capitalize your titles for consistency. Once you are done, please click on Next, also at the upper right corner.

7. Please provide the information of all the authors. Notice that, the authors list MUST be consistent with that in the EDAS during submission. Please contact the chairs of technical tracks in advance if this is not the case, or your paper will not be included in the proceedings. We also ask you to provide ORCID IDs of all authors. Once you are done, please click on Next at the upper right corner.

8. You can now upload your stamped (PDF eXpress validated) PDF file. Note that, while the webpage says “source file”, it means PDF file. Click on Next once you are done.

9. On the next page, you would see instructions on submitting IEEE Copyright form. Click on the link at the bottom of that page, which will take you to a different website (

10. Please complete the IEEE Copyright form following the steps on their website.

11. Once you complete the copyright form, you are done. The publication chairs will validate the production materials and contact you if needed. Most common issues in the past years include:

  • Titles that are not properly capitalized
  • Different author list
  • Author lists not following IEEE format
  • Incorrect paper size or margin
  • Overlength submission
  • Fonts not embedded
  • Type-3 fonts